WisniaLang: Compiler Project

Can we produce small and fast binaries at the same time?

Oct 17, 2022 c++ elf compiler llvm rust



For the past 3 years, I have been working on the WisniaLang compiler for my own programming language that compiles to native machine code and packs it into an executable by itself. Unlike many others, I rolled out my own compiler backend from scratch that does fast but naive code generation. While it’s admittedly a more old-fashioned approach to compiler engineering, it’s the path I chose to take when developing my compiler.



My compiler’s architecture is divided into several main phases that work together to complete this translation. These phases include lexical analysis, which breaks the source code down into smaller pieces called tokens; syntactic analysis, which builds a representation of the structure of the source code called an abstract syntax tree (AST); semantic analysis, which checks the AST for semantic errors while traversing the tree; intermediate representation (IR), which represents the code in a lower-level form close to the target architecture; code generation, which allocates registers and generates machine code from the said IRs; and, lastly, packing the resulting machine code into an executable program in ELF format.

Programming languages and LLVM

Before going further, let me get straight to the point:

  1. Writing compilers is easy
  2. Optimizing the machine code is hard
  3. Supporting arbitrary architectures / operating systems is hard


This is where LLVM comes in handy. LLVM uses an intermediate representation language, which is kind of similar to assembly, but with a few higher level constructs. LLVM is good at optimizing this IR language, as well as compiling into different architecture and binary formats. So as a language author using LLVM, I’m really writing a transpiler from my language to LLVM IR, and letting the LLVM compiler do the hard work.

You talk about LLVM so much, why’s that? Let me begin with this illustration:


I’m not sure if it’s a positive thing, but the LLVM project has achieved such widespread adoption that it’s almost reached a monopoly status, much like the Chromium project, for instance. Apart from Google Chrome, numerous other browsers are built upon the Chromium codebase. From Electron web apps to Arc, Microsoft Edge, Opera, Vivaldi, Brave, and beyond, the list just goes on. Firefox and Safari are perhaps the only web browsers that stand out from this copy-paste crowd.

I just wanted to point out that while 99.9% of compiler developers opt for LLVM, the remaining few explore alternative compiler backends like QBE, develop interpreters (like Python), or create virtual machines (such as the JVM for Java and Kotlin). Some even write transpilers that convert high-level languages into something low-level like C, which is then compiled with gcc. If you recall the dragon compiler book appearing at the top of this page, these and similar compiler books are gradually losing relevance because they don’t teach how to use LLVM, the industry’s compiler standard.

Benchmark No. 1: Fibonacci sequence

To benchmark different compilers, I chose the Fibonacci sequence without recursion problem and computed the 46th Fibonacci number with each compiler under test. This number was chosen because it conveniently fits within 32 bits. Compile-time and runtime benchmarks were performed using the hyperfine command-line benchmarking tool, which closely resembles Rust’s Criterion benchmarking library. Binary size benchmarks were carried out using standard Linux tools like strip to remove debug symbols from binaries and wc to display byte counts for each binary file.

WisniaLang benchmark

 1fn fibonacci(n: int) -> int {
 2  if (n <= 1) {
 3    return n;
 4  }
 5  int prev = 0;
 6  int current = 1;
 7  for (int i = 2; i <= n; i = i + 1) {
 8    int next = prev + current;
 9    prev = current;
10    current = next;
11  }
12  return current;
15fn main() {
16  print(fibonacci(46));

Compile time

1hyperfine --runs 1000 --warmup 10 --shell=none './wisnia fibonacci.wsn'
2Benchmark 1: ./wisnia fibonacci.wsn
3  Time (mean ± σ):       1.6 ms ±   0.3 ms    [User: 0.8 ms, System: 0.5 ms]
4  Range (min … max):     1.3 ms …   8.7 ms    1000 runs


1hyperfine --runs 1000 --warmup 10 --shell=none './a.out'
2Benchmark 1: ./a.out
3  Time (mean ± σ):     109.6 µs ±  36.8 µs    [User: 58.2 µs, System: 4.7 µs]
4  Range (min … max):    84.0 µs … 736.3 µs    1000 runs

Binary size

1wc -c a.out
2421 a.out

C++ (gcc) benchmark

 1#include <iostream>
 3constexpr auto fibonacci(u_int32_t n) {
 4  if (n <= 1) {
 5    return n;
 6  }
 7  u_int32_t prev = 0, current = 1;
 8  for (size_t i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
 9    u_int32_t next = prev + current;
10    prev = current;
11    current = next;
12  }
13  return current;
16int main() {
17  std::printf("%d", fibonacci(46));

Compile time

1hyperfine --runs 100 --warmup 10 --shell=none 'g++ -std=c++23 -O3 fibonacci.cpp'
2Benchmark 1: g++ -std=c++23 -O3 fibonacci.cpp
3  Time (mean ± σ):     456.4 ms ±   4.5 ms    [User: 415.8 ms, System: 35.2 ms]
4  Range (min … max):   448.9 ms … 472.1 ms    100 runs


1hyperfine --runs 1000 --warmup 10 --shell=none './a.out'
2Benchmark 1: ./a.out
3  Time (mean ± σ):     347.1 µs ±  62.8 µs    [User: 206.4 µs, System: 67.2 µs]
4  Range (min … max):   271.9 µs … 926.4 µs    1000 runs

Binary size

1strip a.out
2wc -c a.out
314472 a.out

C++ (clang) benchmark

Same program as before, just different compiler.

Compile time

1hyperfine --runs 100 --warmup 10 --shell=none 'clang++ -std=c++2b -O3 fibonacci.cpp'
2Benchmark 1: clang++ -std=c++2b -O3 fibonacci.cpp
3  Time (mean ± σ):     538.2 ms ±  16.9 ms    [User: 481.7 ms, System: 45.7 ms]
4  Range (min … max):   524.3 ms … 657.9 ms    100 runs


1hyperfine --runs 1000 --warmup 10 --shell=none './a.out'
2Benchmark 1: ./a.out
3  Time (mean ± σ):     351.4 µs ±  67.7 µs    [User: 203.2 µs, System: 72.2 µs]
4  Range (min … max):   267.1 µs … 984.8 µs    1000 runs

Binary size

1strip a.out
2wc -c a.out
314504 a.out

Rust benchmark

 1fn fibonacci(n: u32) -> u32 {
 2  if n <= 1 {
 3    return n;
 4  }
 5  let (mut prev, mut current) = (0, 1);
 6  for _ in 2..=n {
 7    let next = prev + current;
 8    prev = current;
 9    current = next;
10  }
11  current
14fn main() {
15  println!("{}", fibonacci(46));

Compile time

1hyperfine --runs 100 --warmup 10 --shell=none 'rustc -C opt-level=3 fibonacci.rs'
2Benchmark 1: rustc -C opt-level=3 fibonacci.rs
3  Time (mean ± σ):     173.4 ms ±   3.0 ms    [User: 130.5 ms, System: 51.2 ms]
4  Range (min … max):   168.6 ms … 183.8 ms    100 runs


1hyperfine --runs 1000 --warmup 10 --shell=none './fibonacci'
2Benchmark 1: ./fibonacci
3  Time (mean ± σ):     490.4 µs ±  82.8 µs    [User: 264.9 µs, System: 129.3 µs]
4  Range (min … max):   375.1 µs … 1092.6 µs    1000 runs

Binary size

1strip fibonacci
2wc -c fibonacci
3321920 fibonacci

Benchmark No. 2: 29'988 lines of code

I wrote a Python script that generates program code for WisniaLang, C++, and Rust. It generates similar calls to a function named calculate_1997, such as calculate_1, calculate_2, and calculate_1999, for over 2000 times:

 2void calculate_1997() {
 3  int i = 0;
 4  int a = 0;
 5  int b = 0;
 6  while (b < 1997) {
 7    a = a + b + i;
 8    b = a - b - i;
 9    int c = a + b;
10    int d = a + b + c;
11    int e = a + b + c + d;
12    int f = a + b + c + d + e;
13    i = f - e - d - c + 1;
14  }
17int main() {
18  ...
19  calculate_1997();
20  ...

You can run this script with python main.py --wisnia --cpp --rust 2000.

WisniaLang benchmark

The program can be found at post-data/calculate.wsn.

Compile time

1hyperfine --runs 20 --warmup 1 --shell=none './wisnia calculate.wsn'
2Benchmark 1: ./wisnia calculate.wsn
3  Time (mean ± σ):      2.367 s ±  0.054 s    [User: 2.328 s, System: 0.036 s]
4  Range (min … max):    2.282 s …  2.466 s    20 runs

Binary size

1wc -c a.out
2336025 a.out

C++ (gcc) benchmark

The program can be found at post-data/calculate.cpp.

Compile time

1hyperfine --runs 20 --warmup 1 --shell=none 'g++ -std=c++23 -O3 calculate.cpp'
2Benchmark 1: g++ -std=c++23 -O3 calculate.cpp
3  Time (mean ± σ):      2.177 s ±  0.009 s    [User: 2.110 s, System: 0.064 s]
4  Range (min … max):    2.156 s …  2.193 s    20 runs

Binary size

1strip a.out
2wc -c a.out
396304 a.out

C++ (clang) benchmark

Same program as before, just different compiler.

Compile time

1hyperfine --runs 20 --warmup 1 --shell=none 'clang++ -std=c++2b -O3 calculate.cpp'
2Benchmark 1: clang++ -std=c++2b -O3 calculate.cpp
3  Time (mean ± σ):      2.179 s ±  0.025 s    [User: 2.125 s, System: 0.048 s]
4  Range (min … max):    2.156 s …  2.252 s    20 runs

Binary size

1strip a.out
2wc -c a.out
396336 a.out

Rust benchmark

The program can be found at post-data/calculate.rs.

Compile time

1hyperfine --runs 20 --warmup 1 --shell=none 'rustc -C opt-level=3 calculate.rs'
2Benchmark 1: rustc -C opt-level=3 calculate.rs
3  Time (mean ± σ):      2.353 s ±  0.027 s    [User: 2.268 s, System: 0.095 s]
4  Range (min … max):    2.324 s …  2.436 s    20 runs

Binary size

1strip calculate
2wc -c calculate
3317824 calculate


Combining mean compile time, runtime, and binary sizes from benchmark results, we obtain the following graphs.


The runtime range for WisniaLang was from 84.0 µs to 736.3 µs over 1000 program runs, indicating ambiguous results due to benchmarking a 17-line program that executes 3 lines of code 45 times. However, this does demonstrate the speed at which we can compile small programs. In the future, I plan to report on the recursive Fibonacci sequence.


WisniaLang generates code as fast as established compilers, but this may be because it doesn’t perform many static code analysis or optimization steps. This has resulted in my binary being quite large. In contrast, C++ optimizes out redundant code, simplifying the while loop to use at most three variables. This is the while loop in question:

1while (b < 1997) {
2  a = a + b + i;
3  b = a - b - i;
4  int c = a + b;
5  int d = a + b + c;
6  int e = a + b + c + d;
7  int f = a + b + c + d + e;
8  i = f - e - d - c + 1;

What I mean is that C++ likely optimized the code to use only three variables – a, b, and i – by substituting the values of c, d, e, and f directly, thereby reducing redundancy. This is something I’ll fix in the future releases of WisniaLang.



The author behind this post

Hi there! My online handle is belijzajac, which translates to "white hare" in Russian. I'm a software developer with a strong passion for C++, Rust, Linux, and compilers. With a solid foundation in these technologies, I'm always looking for new ways to challenge myself and grow as a developer. In my free time, you can find me tinkering with new technologies and keeping up to date with the latest industry trends. Thank you for visiting my blog!